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Masculinity and Men’s Studies

These are resources focused on masculinity and mens’ studies. Included are advocacy organizations, reports, and other resources by, for, and about boys, men, masculinity, and how men can support and advance the equality of women and girls. These resources have an egalitarian focus and “mens’ rights” advocacy groups and issues are not included.



Promundo is a global leader in promoting gender justice and preventing violence by engaging men and boys in partnership with women and girls.


Changing Men Collection

From an initial donation of material from the National Organization of Changing Men, this collection has grown to become the world’s largest collection of materials documenting all activities and branches of the contemporary men’s movement.


American Men’s Studies Association (ASMA)

The American Men’s Studies Association advances the critical study of men and masculinities by encouraging the development of teaching, research and clinical practice in the field of men’s studies.


Be A Man, Change the Rules: Findings and Lessons from Seven Years of CARE International Balkans’ Young Men Initiative

For the past seven years, a coalition of local, regional,and international organizations has been promoting positive masculine identities under the banner of the “Young Men Initiative” (YMI). Coordinated by CARE International Balkans, implemented by collaborating institutions in four countries, and evaluated by the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), YMI seeks to promote a lifestyle that prioritizes good health, nonviolence, and gender equality through a combination of educational workshops and community campaigns. This synthesis report provides an overview of the program’s rationale, design, and evaluation results from YMI’s implementation in vocational high schools.


Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities (CSMM)

The Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities, established at Stony Brook University (SUNY) in 2013, is dedicated to engaged interdisciplinary research on boys, men, masculinities, and gender. Their mission is to bring together researchers, practitioners, and activists in conversation and collaboration to develop and enhance projects focusing on boys and men. This collaboration will generate and disseminate research that redefines gender relations to foster greater social justice.


Building a Movement of Men Working to End Violence Against Women

Michael Kaufman discusses the need to both address and involve men in ending violence against women (VAW), a few of the pitfalls and guiding principles, and shares his thoughts on what is the most developed example of this work, that is, the White Ribbon Campaign.


Ending gender-based violence: A call for global action to involve men

In this report, seven masculinity researchers write about masculinity in different parts of the world and about how masculinity is often linked to violence. These acts of violence are committed not only against women and children, but also against other men. The writers suggest a number of ways in which men can be involved in working to combat men’s violence.


The Making of Sexual Violence: How Does a Boy Grow Up to Commit Rape?

This report presents an overview of five study sites of the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES), presents findings related to men’s self-reported perpetration of sexual violence, investigates seven domains of possible influences on men’s sexual violence perpetration and provides actionable lessons and recommendations.
