
Women’s Knowledge Digital Library

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Sex Work

Resources related to sex work, sex workers, pornography.


Pucker Up

This is author, sex educator, and pornographer Tristan Taormino’s sex-positive salon. It’s a place where people come to get honest, down-to-earth, non-judgmental sex and relationship advice. It’s a resource for information about sexuality (with an emphasis on anal pleasure and health), kink and BDSM, relationships (especially alternative ones), feminist pornography, LGBT community issues, and sex-positive events. It’s a community space to connect with other sex nerds, writers, anal aficionados, ethical porn makers and lovers, sex educators, activists, and members of the perverati.


Salacious: Queer Feminist Sex Magazine

A print magazine of queer feminist sex art and literature. It aims to meld pornography with high art; comics with erotica; titillation with stunning visuals.


Feminist Porn Archive

Created by a small group of researchers at York University and designed to generate and document the production of feminist porn.


Rialto Report

Oral history, audio, photo, and documentary archives from the golden age of adult film in New York, and beyond.


Women on Porn

This research project has been asking women across the United Kingdom about the way they experience, think about, react or respond to and feel about online pornography.


Media Guide on Sex Work

A toolkit for ethical and responsible reporting on sex work and those who perform that labor.

sex work

Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP)

The Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) exists to uphold the voice of sex workers globally and connect regional networks advocating for the rights of female, male, and transgender sex workers.


PACE Society

PACE is made up of dedicated, compassionate individuals who are committed to providing Sex Worker-led and driven programs and services to Sex Workers.
