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State of World Population 2020: Against My Will – Defying the Practices that Harm Women and Girls and Undermine Equality

This publication documents the origins, drivers and prevalence of harmful practices within and across developing and developed countries as well as in humanitarian settings. It also highlights their impact on girls’ and women’s health, well-being and rights throughout their lives, the impact on demographics, national economies, development and eventual achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


This publication documents the origins, drivers and prevalence of harmful practices within and across developing and developed countries as well as in humanitarian settings. It also highlights their impact on girls’ and women’s health, well-being and rights throughout their lives, the impact on demographics, national economies, development and eventual achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


United Nations Population Fund




United Nations




Russian, French, Spanish, Arabic, English


United Nations Population Fund, “State of World Population 2020: Against My Will – Defying the Practices that Harm Women and Girls and Undermine Equality,”



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