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Black feminism

Black feminism

Melissa Harris-Perry, PhD

Melissa Harris-Perry is the Maya Angelou Presidential Chair at Wake Forest University. There she is the founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Center and the faculty director of the Pro Humanitate Institute. She is also an author, speaker, and the co-host of Freedom on Tap.

Black feminism

National Council of Negro Women (NCNW)

A coalition comprised of 200 community-based sections in 32 states and 38 national organizational affiliates that works to enlighten and inspire more than 3,000,000 women and men. Its mission is to lead, advocate for and empower women of African descent, their families and communities.

Black feminism

Sisters Testify

A history project to connect with the signatories of the African American Women in Defense of Ourselves proclamation. More than 1600 signed it following Anita Hill’s testimony during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings for Clarence Thomas’ nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Black feminism

Black Girls Unscripted

A unique collective committed to challenging popular culture narratives about black women and girls, using storytelling to connect, strengthen, and empower women and girls and their communities.

Black feminism

Barbara Smith Caring Circle

A circle of monthly donors to collectively contribute whatever you can afford to ensure that feminist activist Barbara Smith is able to live the life she deserves in retirement. Because she has dedicated her life’s work towards liberation, and not to a career with a pension, Barbara is still working paycheck to paycheck in order to make ends meet, pay her bills, and maintain health insurance.

Black feminism

The urgency of intersectionality

Now more than ever, it’s important to look boldly at the reality of race and gender bias — and understand how the two can combine to create even more harm. Kimberlé Crenshaw uses the term “intersectionality” to describe this phenomenon; as she says, if you’re standing in the path of multiple forms of exclusion, you’re likely to get hit by both. In this moving talk, she calls on us to bear witness to this reality and speak up for victims of prejudice.



MsAfropolitan is a blog connecting feminism with critical reflections on contemporary culture from an Africa-centred perspective. Its core aim is to encourage a recognition and transcendence of the ways that oppressive forces such as sexism, racism and tradition that prevent women of African heritage particularly, but not exclusively, from living intellectually, psychologically, politically, socially, culturally, and spiritually empowered lives.
