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“She goes with me in my boat”: Child and Adolescent Marriage in Brazil

This study, the first of its kind in Brazil, explores attitudes and practices around child and adolescent marriage in Pará and Maranhão, two Brazilian states with highest prevalence of the practice. The results confirm the mostly informal and consensual nature of unions involving girls under the age of 18 in the settings studied. The analysis highlights the ways in which a child or adolescent marriage may create or exacerbate risk factors (i.e., related to health, education, security) while often being perceived by girls or family members as offering stability in settings of economic insecurity and limited opportunities


Global Feminisms Project

The Global Feminisms Project (GFP) originated in 2002 to create an archive of oral histories from women scholars and activists from four countries: China, India, Poland, and the USA Since then, we have added interviews from Brazil, Nicaragua, and Russia.


Spotlight on Organisations: Gender Equity Policies in Latin America

This Spotlight presents some of the key Latin American organisations working to promote gender equality in the region. These national-level organisations – based in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Peru and Mexico – are playing a key role in ensuring the advancement of women in their own countries and in the wider region.
