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child marriage


“She goes with me in my boat”: Child and Adolescent Marriage in Brazil

This study, the first of its kind in Brazil, explores attitudes and practices around child and adolescent marriage in Pará and Maranhão, two Brazilian states with highest prevalence of the practice. The results confirm the mostly informal and consensual nature of unions involving girls under the age of 18 in the settings studied. The analysis highlights the ways in which a child or adolescent marriage may create or exacerbate risk factors (i.e., related to health, education, security) while often being perceived by girls or family members as offering stability in settings of economic insecurity and limited opportunities

child marriage

A More Equal Future: A MenCare Manual to Engage Fathers to Prevent Child Marriage in India

This manual was developed as part of a collaboration between World Vision and Promundo in response to harmful societal and cultural practices that support the continuation of child marriage in India. This tool is designed to provide a safe and constructive space for men, their partners and their daughters to critically reflect on the cultural and gender norms that perpetuate the devaluation of girls and serve as obstacles to men’s participation as involved fathers.


Population Council

The Population Council conducts research to address critical health and development issues. Their work allows couples to plan their families and chart their futures. They help people avoid HIV infection and access life-saving HIV services. And they empower girls to protect themselves and have a say in their own lives.

child marriage

Girls Not Brides

Description Girls Not Brides is a global partnership of more
