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economic justice

economic justice

Child In Need Institute (CINI) every day that the really big ones or I mean I have a gamete I don’t way home

CINI’s overarching aim is to enable poor people, women and children to take control of their lives and have a share in sustainable development. We are active in deprived communities, both in villages and low-income urban settlements. We seek to break the vicious cycle of poverty, malnutrition, ill-health, illiteracy, abuse and violence, affecting in particular children and women.

economic justice

Global Gender Gap Report

The Global Gender Gap Report ranks 145 economies according to how well they are leveraging their female talent pool, based on economic, educational, health-based and political indicators.


Feminist Perspectives Towards Transforming Economic Power: Buen Vivir

This article introduces Buen Vivir both as a concept and in its implementation in public policies in Bolivia. The notion that Buen Vivir is gender neutral is examined in light of the fact that the main challenges are dismantling patriarchal power structures, the restriction of women’s participation in decision making, and recognizing the gender inequalities within Indigenous communities.

economic justice

Women’s Economic Empowerment and Equality (WE3) Dashboard

The Women’s Economic Empowerment and Equality (WE3) Dashboard provides a quick assessment of women’s inclusion in the economy, showcasing the extent to which women participate in their economic spheres. This interactive tool will empower USAID and the broader gender community with a starting point for essential discussions about women’s economic integration.
