
Women’s Knowledge Digital Library

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Chicana por mi Raza (CPMR) Digital Memory Collective

A hybrid archive, museum, and digital curriculum organized around capturing important Chicana and Latina voices from the long Civil Rights Era. CPMR is first and foremost an oral history project with over 150 oral histories, as well as over 5000 digitized supporting archival records.


Latino GLBT History Project (LHP)

Their mission is to investigate, collect, preserve and educate the public about the history, culture, heritage, arts, social and rich contributions of the Latino GLBT community in metropolitan Washington, D.C.


California Latinas for Reproductive Justice (CLRJ)

CLRJ is a statewide organization committed to honoring the experiences of Latinas to uphold our dignity, our bodies, sexuality, and families. We build Latinas’ power and cultivate leadership through policy advocacy, community education, and community-informed research to achieve reproductive justice.
