
Women’s Knowledge Digital Library

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black women

Higher Heights

An organization that is building a national infrastructure to harness Black women’s political power and leadership potential. Investing in a long-term strategy to analyze, expand and support a Black women’s leadership pipeline at all levels and strengthen their civic participation beyond just Election Day.

gender gap

Global Gender Gap Report 2016

Through the Global Gender Gap Report, the World Economic Forum quantifies the magnitude of gender disparities and tracks their progress over time, with a specific focus on the relative gaps between women and men across four key areas: health, education, economy and politics. The 2016 Report covers 144 countries. More than a decade of data has revealed that progress is still too slow for realizing the full potential of one half of humanity within our lifetimes.

best practices

Preventing violence against women in Elections: A programming guide

This publication brings to light the scourge of violence against women in elections. It seeks to identify the specific components of violence against women in elections, including types, tactics, victims and perpetrators, and presents options for policy and programming responses based on current good practices.


Gifts of Speech

A site of women’s speeches from around the world. (No longer updated.)


Women in Congress

This Web site, based on the publication Women in Congress, contains biographical profiles of former women Members of Congress, links to information about current women Members, essays on the institutional and national events that shaped successive generations of Congresswomen, and images of each woman Member, including rare photos.
