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reproductive health


Adolescents and Family Planning: What the Evidence Shows

This report synthesizes a review of the literature to identify barriers to adolescents’ access to and use of family planning services, programmatic approaches for increasing access and uptake of those services, gaps in the evidence that require further research, and areas that are ripe for future investment.

reproductive health

Advancing Reproductive Health and Rights: Insights from Congressional Debates on the Mexico City Policy

This two-page policy brief breaks down how the Mexico City Policy, commonly known as the “Global Gag Rule,” denies U.S. family planning funds to any foreign non-governmental organization that provides, lobbies for or counsels on abortion, even with its own resources and how Congressional voting records attempting to legislate the policy into existence show that support, or lack thereof, for the policy largely depends on political party and gender of the member of Congress.

reproductive health

American Sexual Health Association (ASHA)

Promotes the sexual health of individuals, families and communities by advocating sound policies and practices and educating the public, professionals and policy makers, in order to foster healthy sexual behaviors and relationships and prevent adverse health outcomes.

reproductive health

American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)

The vision of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is to be the nationally and internationally recognized leader for multidisciplinary information, education, advocacy and standards in the field of reproductive medicine.


Contraceptive Needs and Services, 2013 Update

This report and summary tables present data on the current status of contraceptive needs and services in the United States as a whole, for the 10 federal regions and for each state and county. The data also include the impact that these services have on reducing unintended pregnancy and the public cost savings generated from the provision of publicly funded contraceptive care.


Demystifying Data: A Guide to Using Evidence to Improve Young People’s Sexual Health and Rights

This report is designed to be a resource for advocates, sexuality educators, young people, service providers and others working to advance the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people around the world. It contains a wealth of data on young people’s sexual health and rights in 30 countries and offers guidance on how to use those data to advocate for better programs and improved education and services.
