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NY Women in Film and Television (NYWIFT)

New York Women in Film & Television (NYWIFT) advocates for equality in the moving image industry and supports women in every stage of their careers. As the preeminent entertainment industry association for women in New York, NYWIFT energizes women by illuminating their achievements, presenting training and professional development programs, awarding scholarships and grants, and providing access to a supportive community of peers.


Women in Film and Television International (WIFTI)

The first Women In Film chapter was started in Los Angeles in 1973. Today, there are over 40 Women In Film (WIF) and Women In Film and Television (WIFT) organizations worldwide spanning 4 continents, 18 countries with more than 14,000 global members. WIFTI (Women In Film and Television International) is the global network comprised of all these member chapters, dedicated to advancing professional development and achievement for women working in all areas of film, video, and other screen-based media.
