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gender-based violence (GBV)

Kampala: Supporting Refugee Women Engaged in Sex Work through the Peer Education Model & Bringing Mobile Health Clinics to Refugee Neighborhoods: Interventions for Strengthening GBV Prevention and Response for Urban Refugees

In Kampala, the WRC partnered with Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU), an organization that provides integrated SRH and GBV services to Ugandans, including Ugandan sex workers. The goal was to expand their services to be inclusive of refugee women. This case study outlines two different interventions that were conducted: (1) a free mobile health clinic that went to refugee neighborhoods and provided a range of GBV and medical services, and (2) a peer education program conducted with refugee women engaged in sex work in Uganda—both in Kampala and in the Nakivale Refugee Settlement—that was designed to address information, service, and support gaps affecting these women’s health and safety.


Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU)

A national, voluntary, non-discriminatory and not-for-profit, non-government organisation, affiliated to the International Planned Parenthood Federation.


Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG)

Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) is an umbrella non-governmental organization based in Kampala, Uganda. SMUG advocates for the protection and promotion of human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Ugandans.


Huairou Commission

The Huairou Commission empowers grassroots women’s leadership in the development of resilient communities through global and local initiatives.

gender-based violence (GBV)

Sexual And Gender Based Violence In Uganda: Experiences of Sexual Violence among Women and Girls in Pallisa and Kisoro Districts

This baseline report represents the magnitude of sexualized violence in the districts of Kisoro and Pallisa as of December 2009. The report provides benchmarks of extent to which defilement, rape and sexual harassment are prevailing in the districts to enable the project implementation team to come up with cost effective measures for addressing critical issues that undermine the vulnerable girl child and the women in the target communities.


Empowering Adolescent Girls in Developing Countries: Gender Justice and Norm Change

Empowering Adolescent Girls in Developing Countries explores the detrimental impact of discriminatory gender norms on adolescent girls’ lives across very different contexts. Grounded in four years of in-depth research in Ethiopia, Nepal, Uganda and Viet Nam, the book adopts a holistic approach, recognising the inter-related nature of capabilities and the importance of local context.
