Browse Items (23 total)

  • Collection: Media, Journalism, and Advertising

Lilia Goldfarb looks at the connections between the sexualization of girls and the corporate marketing strategies of the industries that profit from this. She also looks at the health consequences of these practices. In this presentation Goldfarb…

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Male or female: Seems simple enough, but these categories which were assigned to us at birth carry with them a whole lot of social and cultural meanings and expectations. This site unpacks some of the media’s baggage around what it means to be a boy…

This is a directory of media owned and operated primarily by, for and about women. They do not include men’s “women’s magazines” (magazines directed at women), even if they have a female staff. They do include many academic periodicals which are…

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A website for teenage girls.

An educational resource that focuses on the ways in which (and related issues like sexuality, social class, race, etc.) and advertising intersect. The primary focus of this Web site is print advertising.


Items in this collection are related to gender or gender issues, and may contain sexist stereotyping. The items are presented here for historical context.


An independent Canadian voice for smart, strong, sassy young women and trans youth.

E-book from Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press (WIFP) about women in media history.


An app lets you re-combine video from ads directed at boys with audio from ads directed at girls (and vice versa) to create hilarious and insightful fair use mash-ups.


This website hosts a digitised version of one of the earliest independent African women’s magazines: AWA: la revue de la femme noire. AWA was an independent magazine produced in Dakar, Senegal by a network of African women between 1964 and 1973. The…

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