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Florence Nightingale Digitization Project

The Florence Nightingale Digitization Project began in 2014 as a collaborative effort between the Florence Nightingale Museum in London, England, the Boston University Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, the Royal College of Nursing and the Wellcome Library. More collaborative partners are in the process of joining the Project. Together, these institutions have compiled their holdings into a collaborative database consisting currently of more than 2,300 letters handwritten or narrated by Florence Nightingale that for the first time are now available to researchers through a single source.


The Florence Nightingale Digitization Project began in 2014 as a collaborative effort between the Florence Nightingale Museum in London, England, the Boston University Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, the Royal College of Nursing and the Wellcome Library. More collaborative partners are in the process of joining the Project. Together, these institutions have compiled their holdings into a collaborative database consisting currently of more than 2,300 letters handwritten or narrated by Florence Nightingale that for the first time are now available to researchers through a single source.


Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center




Boston University






Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, “Florence Nightingale Digitization Project,” 



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