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“If I know I am on the pill and I get pregnant, it’s an act of God”: women’s views on fatalism, agency and pregnancy

A study published open access in Contraception journal where the authors interviewed 52 U.S. women aged 18-30 about their views on and experiences with contraception and their attitudes toward pregnancy. Jones et al. also examined the relationship between women's beliefs about their ability to control pregnancy and the consistency of their contraceptive use over the past year.


A study published open access in Contraception journal where the authors interviewed 52 U.S. women aged 18-30 about their views on and experiences with contraception and their attitudes toward pregnancy. Jones et al. also examined the relationship between women’s beliefs about their ability to control pregnancy and the consistency of their contraceptive use over the past year.


Rachel K. Jones, Lori F. Frohwirth, Nakeisha M. Blades




Elsevier Inc.


June 2016




Rachel K. Jones, Lori F. Frohwirth, Nakeisha M. Blades, ““If I know I am on the pill and I get pregnant, it’s an act of God”: women’s views on fatalism, agency and pregnancy,” 



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