
Women’s Knowledge Digital Library

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economic justice

Child In Need Institute (CINI) every day that the really big ones or I mean I have a gamete I don’t way home

CINI’s overarching aim is to enable poor people, women and children to take control of their lives and have a share in sustainable development. We are active in deprived communities, both in villages and low-income urban settlements. We seek to break the vicious cycle of poverty, malnutrition, ill-health, illiteracy, abuse and violence, affecting in particular children and women.


The UN Women gender and economics training manual

This manual on gender and economics is intended to provide basic- and intermediate-level training to development practitioners, including governments and policy and programme staff in international development agencies.

gender-based violence (GBV)

My Savera

Their mission is to improve the lives of underprivileged and poor children, especially young abandoned girls in India. They raise funds to help provide shelter, access to medical care, improved nutrition, and education for these children.


Women for Women International

Since 1993, Women for Women International has helped more than 478,000 marginalized women in countries affected by war and conflict. They serve women in 8 countries offering support, tools, and access to life-changing skills to move from crisis and poverty to stability and economic self-sufficiency.


Speaking Out: Women, Poverty, and Public Policy

Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Women’s Studies Conference held October 29-31, 1998 at UW-Eau Claire – a feminist analysis of the ongoing debates about welfare reform, and the related issue of women’s economic security.

and Development

State of World Population 2020: Against My Will – Defying the Practices that Harm Women and Girls and Undermine Equality

This publication documents the origins, drivers and prevalence of harmful practices within and across developing and developed countries as well as in humanitarian settings. It also highlights their impact on girls’ and women’s health, well-being and rights throughout their lives, the impact on demographics, national economies, development and eventual achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
