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Unintended Pregnancy and Induced Abortion in Rwanda

This report presents the first attempt to quantify the incidence of abortion in Rwanda, by using a methodology that builds on the only accessible data on the subject—the number of women who seek care at health facilities for abortionrelated complications. The report also discusses progress in and remaining constraints on Rwandan women’s ability to plan their pregnancies, which is key to enabling them to avoid the unintended pregnancies that can lead to induced abortions.


This report presents the first attempt to quantify the incidence of abortion in Rwanda, by using a methodology that builds on the only accessible data on the subject—the number of women who seek care at health facilities for abortionrelated complications. The report also discusses progress in and remaining constraints on Rwandan women’s ability to plan their pregnancies, which is key to enabling them to avoid the unintended pregnancies that can lead to induced abortions.


Paulin Basinga, Ann M. Moore, Susheela Singh, Lisa Remez, Francine Birungi, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye




Guttmacher Institute




English, French




Paulin Basinga, Ann M. Moore, Susheela Singh, Lisa Remez, Francine Birungi, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, “Unintended Pregnancy and Induced Abortion in Rwanda,” 



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